Friday, September 26, 2008

It's mine! All mine!

An entry. In no way does this mean that I di'nt really have any kinda really amazing event in the last few weeks. Just that work has been a bit over my knees.

Okay, so the point is I have to give a few updates. (to whom, i dont know) But here they are:

Work has been killing me. Stabbing me really. With blunt knives. Painful. Yes. But not fatal.

Second update is that I bought my first ORIGINAL music from my own earned money!


And its no other than Michael Buble, Call me irresponsible. (No, its the name of the album, I'm not inviting you to call me anything). Beautiful songs! His voice is so made for the 60s . (Plus I sound like him.. or so I've been told by the ladies) Ah! That was music.

And yes, it does feel good to hold that cd cover in your hands and say, "THIS.... is MINE."

Actually, to tell you the truth I plan to keep it in good shape till it turns vintage and then sell it off for a fortune.

Yes, I know I have a very solid and practical long term planning. You shouldn't even be saying that. It makes it sound not obvious.

Okay, back to work.

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