Sunday, September 7, 2008

And here we go..

An eyeopener not much different that the eye openers i have so very often when shwetabh and me are engaged in inexplicable discussions on life, its seemingly inexplicable purpose etc.,(and other subtleties nobody seems to really care about) late nights before we hit the sack during my weekend nightovers at his apartment, I havn't quite yet understood the reason for my deviousness in the first place. 

.[ If you are philosophical in any weird way, read on, else jump to 4.]

1. It's amazing though what a few photos can do to you. 

2. A photo taken in a moment of spontaniety with a finger half covering the flash or even a one taken with the subjects having the most ridiculously fake exhibition of teeth that can't possibly be passed off as  a smile, is something more than just a photo. 

3. It is a capture of a moment so exact in its being and representation, that a single look at it reminds you of the chain of incidents that surround that one captured moment. 

4. I have always wanted to have a cooperative blog. It's so much fun to read something on your own blog that you hav'nt written. :) Yet, you're so much a part of it. :P And walah!, shwetabh
made an offer that I hence could'nt possibly refuse.

It's an awesome realization to have when youre 23, that youre really young and you wanna and can do so much more with your life. I still dont consider it very young, but yeah, as i anticipate much more ahead, I see a future to this blog!

THIS, is our blog of writing down stuff we won't really forget if we never wrote it down, instead, it's an added something to look at and smile when we're 46 :)

PS: I had his number,It's just that.. that.. I just changed my phone recently and hav'nt transferred the numbers lately. No! Seriously! Why are you smiling? It's true!


k10 said...

But why only 46? Why not 40 or 50? :)

Btw I am totally vella today, so just asked.

Varun Malhotra said...

23 x 2 = 46.

Literary value.

Poetic justice.

Truth of life.

Flip of a coin.