Friday, September 26, 2008

It's mine! All mine!

An entry. In no way does this mean that I di'nt really have any kinda really amazing event in the last few weeks. Just that work has been a bit over my knees.

Okay, so the point is I have to give a few updates. (to whom, i dont know) But here they are:

Work has been killing me. Stabbing me really. With blunt knives. Painful. Yes. But not fatal.

Second update is that I bought my first ORIGINAL music from my own earned money!


And its no other than Michael Buble, Call me irresponsible. (No, its the name of the album, I'm not inviting you to call me anything). Beautiful songs! His voice is so made for the 60s . (Plus I sound like him.. or so I've been told by the ladies) Ah! That was music.

And yes, it does feel good to hold that cd cover in your hands and say, "THIS.... is MINE."

Actually, to tell you the truth I plan to keep it in good shape till it turns vintage and then sell it off for a fortune.

Yes, I know I have a very solid and practical long term planning. You shouldn't even be saying that. It makes it sound not obvious.

Okay, back to work.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

And here we go..

An eyeopener not much different that the eye openers i have so very often when shwetabh and me are engaged in inexplicable discussions on life, its seemingly inexplicable purpose etc.,(and other subtleties nobody seems to really care about) late nights before we hit the sack during my weekend nightovers at his apartment, I havn't quite yet understood the reason for my deviousness in the first place. 

.[ If you are philosophical in any weird way, read on, else jump to 4.]

1. It's amazing though what a few photos can do to you. 

2. A photo taken in a moment of spontaniety with a finger half covering the flash or even a one taken with the subjects having the most ridiculously fake exhibition of teeth that can't possibly be passed off as  a smile, is something more than just a photo. 

3. It is a capture of a moment so exact in its being and representation, that a single look at it reminds you of the chain of incidents that surround that one captured moment. 

4. I have always wanted to have a cooperative blog. It's so much fun to read something on your own blog that you hav'nt written. :) Yet, you're so much a part of it. :P And walah!, shwetabh
made an offer that I hence could'nt possibly refuse.

It's an awesome realization to have when youre 23, that youre really young and you wanna and can do so much more with your life. I still dont consider it very young, but yeah, as i anticipate much more ahead, I see a future to this blog!

THIS, is our blog of writing down stuff we won't really forget if we never wrote it down, instead, it's an added something to look at and smile when we're 46 :)

PS: I had his number,It's just that.. that.. I just changed my phone recently and hav'nt transferred the numbers lately. No! Seriously! Why are you smiling? It's true!

Blogging in retrospection ...

I guess I need to give a reason to the weird name of this blog.

The idea just cliqued (yeah cliqued :D)  5 minutes back with me looking at jimmy's status message in a chat client and wondering if he has been drinking lately. His status message read
"mumbai: just realised that he has nothing to look at and remember the 23 years of his life. So many precious moments lost into irreversible oblivion. PS: He shall have his revenge."

Inquisitive as a dog looking at car for the first time ( I think for dogs it is always the same curosity), I started running towards him and poked him with few question in a rather "Ice Cube" fashion ...
(I donno why jimmy's name in my gtalk appears to be mumbai :D)

Shwetabh: wassup homie
Mumbai: oyi
Shwetabh: why so philosphical today ?
Mumbai: haha
i just realised
Shwetabh: what happened MF
Mumbai: i never clicked al ot of photograps
Shwetabh: abbe teri to ...
Mumbai: have no reminiscenece of so much time of my life
Shwetabh: mujhe laga pata nahin kya ho gaya
meri bhi photo kam le hain logon ne :)
chinta mat kar
Mumbai: isiliye ab videos banaataa hoon jahaan bhi jata hoon haha
Shwetabh: I always feel that it is always better to realize to enjoy the moment than capturing it
Mumbai: yeah thats true
Shwetabh: but people always end up doing it the other way round
Mumbai: hmm.. makes me realize if i truely enjoyed so much time
Shwetabh: the best moments of your life are the ones which are left uncaptured
and the not so good ones that get recorded, since you are not busy enjoying that time
of course there are times like "CVR 111" when you enjoy and record too :D
Mumbai: hahah
that is so true!
Shwetabh: I can give so much philosophical shit dude
Mumbai: i have started writing down funny things that happen everyday
Shwetabh: I didn't know it :D
Mumbai: hahaha
Shwetabh: yeah writing is good, recalling is even better
do you want to write a combined blog about daily things that get noticed
I have been looking to spin off with someone
Mumbai: yes!
Shwetabh: chal theek hai, I will create a space and invite you to it :)
Mumbai: yup
Shwetabh: and I will put down this chat in it too :)
as the starting point
Mumbai: haha
Shwetabh: I called you in the day man, why did you not pick up
Sent at 12:14 AM on Sunday
Mumbai: oh
Shwetabh: yep
Mumbai: man
dunno how i dont have your niumber in the cell
so that was your number
Mumbai: i was wondering sounds so familiar!!
was watching dont mess wiuth the zohan
and love guru
ill get you the movies tomorrow
Mumbai: ooh
our blog?
Shwetabh: yep
just created one
added you as a co author
accept if you want to join in
Mumbai: yup
Shwetabh: :)
Sent at 12:23 AM on Sunday

The weird bit that I realized now is that jimmy and I have been in the same city for 6 months now and he did not have my phone number, stupid  *$%^$%^*$#@#$

Anyway, the whole point is that we are going to jot down moments here which we think are worth looking back at so that we are not so repentent when we are 46 :)

P.S. - please do not ask me about the CVR-111 bit. If I tell you about it, I will have to kill you. I am serious.